On 30.09.11 I realised four hours of Antoine Beuger's Calmé Etendue (percussion) at ChristChurch Meadows, Oxford. My good friend Trevor Simmons worked independently of me. Below I have uploaded a small number of Trevor's paintings from the day, and some notes I made after the realisation.
In a number of separation, neither negate or
aware, the permutations of a partial environment, contained surrounded in and
by an abstract environment. A some thing not comprehended, detached almost, all
focus on immediacy, all focus on impossibility, contained in instruction, in
score, manifest in realisation also contained.
The time of listening, of without exerting
influence, posture, sitting for portrait, state of mind ecology of mind, listening
affecting listening. Sound made by performer made by anything - pertaining a
heightened degree of vitality - if listening can be said to influence the
listener, where does listening reside in environment, it is its own
environment, what else does such contain?
Listeners self world, myriad realisations of
accordance of the senses, such scores are fields, creating events upon
performers awareness, performer creating event of the score, everything an
Continual reference to
Ingmar Bergman's Winter Light, the discovery of a suicide, the priest
leaves the auditory security of his vehicle to be met by hyperbole, the hands
of the river, swallowing footsteps, swallowing everything and thus everything
swallowed becomes vital in its absence, notice all now all does not make a
sound. All I hear is every eight seconds.